I have a delightful morning ritual I'm going to share with you, my beloved readers. Each morning I rise around 7:30, give or take. I jump off the bed … well, drag myself out of the covers, and I wander into the kitchen where I prepare two coffees. I add some frothed milk then I pad back to bed where my husband and our cheeky Bluey are usually still snoring happily away.
And I'm happy, too, because over the past few months, after I leave the gift of coffee on my hubby's bedside table, I prop up my pillows, pop open my Instagram account and find a few treats of my own. Every morning, almost without fail, as I sip my brew, I delight in the gorgeous reviews my French readers have been posting on the first book in my Murder Mystery Book Club series, retitled They Were Seven (or: Ils Etaient Sept).
And they really are a treat!
As I've mentioned before, I'm now published in Japan and France (and have a fresh new territory I'm set to sign on with soon—more on that next newsletter). But it's the French who seem the most passionate about this book. Je ne sais pas pourquoi!
And it's not just the positive reviews that French cozy mystery lovers have been leaving me. It's how they leave those reviews—always with the most elegant of images that they've created around my book (as you can see from a selection of the posts, below).
If you'd like to check them out yourself, just head to Instagram and use any of the following hashtags: #IlsEtaientSept #CALarmer #ChercheMidi
Otherwise, stay tuned for more on future publishing deals coming up. And, as my French friends would say, merci for all YOUR support, too.

Plus there's a French Audiobook!
Also, a quick heads-up for those of you who do speak French. My French publisher is set to release the audio book of the first in the series soon. Check it out online or head to amazon for a copy.

Fans of this Murder Mystery Book Club series on all continents will be happy to hear I'm midway through writing the SIXTH exciting adventure for this motley crew of amateur sleuths. As always, I can't give too much away at this early stage, except to say it's set in a "Knives Out"-style location (think: massive luxury mansion, high on a cliff top) and is due to be released in September.
I'll share more on the plot in future newsletters as well as a title and cover reveal. Until then, meet the characters or catch up on the story through any of the links below. And happy sleuthing, mystery lovers, no matter where you are or what langauge you speak.
xo Christina
"Bored to tears with her literary book club, Alicia Finlay and her sister Lynette start a club to die for—a Murder Mystery Book Club, that is! No sooner have they gathered six crime buffs together, a real-life mystery lands in their lap. Then another, and another… If you love closed-circle thrillers, unexpected twists and deliciously dark humor, you're going to love this eclectic group of friends who must draw on their knack for solving puzzles—and the wisdom of the world's most famous fictional sleuths—to work out whodunit and why. Can you solve these mysteries before the Murder Mystery Book Club do?"
Click here to get your copy at Amazon!
Or catch up on the latest installment
"Four couples set sail on a luxury honeymoon cruise. Only two will survive. Luckily for them, one of the newlyweds happens to be a member of a very nosey book club…"
If you’re a fan of isolated whodunnits, dark humour, shocking twists and a cracking pace, the 5th MURDER MYSTERY BOOK CLUB is the ideal read for you. Order your copy of The Widow on the Honeymoon Cruise today: