Category: book club

New Cozy Cover Reveal + New Newsletter (Sign Up Now)

New Cozy Cover Reveal + New Newsletter (Sign Up Now)

This is a quick blog to show off my new cosy mystery AND let you know I’ve changed my newsletters. Read on for more… FIRST: How great does my brand-new cover look (above)? My seventh MURDER MYSTERY BOOK  CLUB adventure—Peril on the Indian Pacific—will be out very soon, but this exclusive cover reveal will give …

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Beyond The Orient Express: Why So Many Murders Are Set on Trains

Beyond The Orient Express: Why So Many Murders Are Set on Trains

KEEPING TRACK OF MURDER (It’s enough to make you think twice about that next trip!) When I started researching for my seventh Murder Mystery Book Club adventure, I looked around for a well-known train mystery that my gang could be reading while embroiled in a train mystery of their own. It didn’t take long to find one. …

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Behind the Scenes of My New Train Mystery (Toot!)

Behind the Scenes of My New Train Mystery (Toot!)

ALL ABOARD FOR THE BEST JOB EVER Those of you who follow me on Instagram and Facebook know I’ve been doing a lot of “boast posts” lately, and with good reason. I’m just back from a four-day/three-night journey on the majestic Indian Pacific luxury passenger train that takes 240 lucky ducks across the width of Australia, from Sydney in the east …

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It’s My Book’s Birthday + A Hot New Release

It’s My Book’s Birthday + A Hot New Release

HAPPY BOOK(CLUB) BIRTHDAY! For me, launching a new book — in this case, Gone Guest: Murder Mystery Book Club 6 — is a lot like having a birthday. It’s a heady mix of excitement, relief (whoop! I made it!) and trepidation, because now I have to let it go and get on with the next …

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On the Book Behind the Book

On the Book Behind the Book

MOVING BEYOND CHRISTIE My longtime readers will know I changed the title of my Agatha Christie Book Club series to The Murder Mystery Book Club back in 2021. Part of the reason was to expand the range of books my beloved gang could dissect. After all, there’s only so much one can say about the …

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