Okay, not really…
Last newsletter I told you about the true crime that inspired my last mystery—Blind Men Don't Dial Zero. Today, you'll hear about the almost-maybe-could've been a crime that happened to me—and inspired book two in that series.
IT started just as this book starts, at a secluded Sydney oval. I was walking blissfully near my mother's place when a stranger appeared and asked me to call his mobile phone. He'd lost his somewhere inside his car, he told me, pointing towards a large luxury vehicle which was parked close by. Could I just call his number so he could follow the ring tone and find it?
"Sure!" I said automatically just as my inner-voice said, "Hang on, what?"
Was this an innocent attempt to locate a phone? Or was he luring me to his car for nefarious reasons?
I glanced around for back-up, but we were the only two people at the oval. So I—foolishly perhaps?—took a gamble, threw caution to the wind and helped him out.
The fact that I'm here to tell the story shows how happily that story ended. But, being a suspicious crime writer, it really got me thinking… what if things had turned out differently?
And so it has become the starting point for the second adventure of my new Sleuths of Last Resort—Smart Girls Don't Trust Strangers.
Sound intriguing?
I'm hoping to have that book out in time for Christmas but will confirm all of that in a week. Until then, catch up on the first book—Blind Men Don't Dial Zero—at all good online bookstores, or click on the links below.
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