Category: Book Prize

New Cozy Cover Reveal + New Newsletter (Sign Up Now)

New Cozy Cover Reveal + New Newsletter (Sign Up Now)

This is a quick blog to show off my new cosy mystery AND let you know I’ve changed my newsletters. Read on for more… FIRST: How great does my brand-new cover look (above)? My seventh MURDER MYSTERY BOOK  CLUB adventure—Peril on the Indian Pacific—will be out very soon, but this exclusive cover reveal will give …

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3 Wise Mysteries for My Wonderful Readers

3 Wise Mysteries for My Wonderful Readers

THREE BOOKS THAT BEND THE BRAIN CELLS I often wax lyrical about my best-selling crime series—the Murder Mystery Book Club, the Ghostwriter Mysteries and the Sleuths of Last Resort—which are all fun, fast-paced and full of intrigue. However! For those of you who like their mysteries particularly mind-bending, their settings a little off-beat, and their stories utterly original, you …

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3-Minute Mystery #2 (Can YOU Guess What Happened?)

3-Minute Mystery #2 (Can YOU Guess What Happened?)

Want to try to out-sleuth me again? This year, I’m offering my dedicated email subscribers regular quick mystery reads. I provide all the clues, they try to work out whodunnit, and if they get back to me (via reply email) with the correct answer, they go in the running to win a free eBook. If …

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Christmas Giveaway – 7 Mysteries @ $1.49 each + FREE eBook Gift Baskets!

Christmas Giveaway – 7 Mysteries @ $1.49 each + FREE eBook Gift Baskets!

Got an eReader you need to fill in time for the holidays? You’re in luck! I’ve gone a bit batty this Christmas and joined TWO end-of-year sales/giveaways… GIFT ONE: Thousands of Free & Discounted eBooks! * 7 x Ghostwriter Mysteries for under $1.50 each * 25% – 100% off a HUGE range of eBooks from …

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