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Why Crime is Like a Box of Ciggies

In an industry that reveres literature, being a crime writer is a lot like being a smoker on the balcony at a party…


Best-selling crime writer and fellow Aussie Michael Robotham once told a crowd at the Byron Bay Writers' Festival that in an industry that reveres literature, being a crime writer was a lot like being a smoker on the balcony at a party. Sure, everyone inside turns their noses up at you as you stand out there with the other rule-breakers, but they secretly envy how much fun you're having*.

Now, I don't condone smoking, that's not what I'm saying, but I do feel like the cheeky, carefree smoker every day I sit at my desk to write another crime story. It really is a fun genre to dabble in and I thank my 'Lucky Strikes' I get to do it daily.

We might not get a lot of kudos, but we have a lot of fun while we're not getting it!

But here's the thing—the fun reached cigar proportions when I began writing the first installment of my 'Sleuths of Last Resort' series—Blind Men Don't Dial Zero. I know my readers have enjoyed the finished product, because I've never had such positive feedback, and so quickly, including more than a dozen five-star reviews at Amazon within weeks.

Which is why, I'm breathless to report, I've pulled on my smoking jacket and written Book 2 in the series.

It's like I'm back out on that balcony...

This story sees the amateur sleuths brought together to search for a missing woman. All clues point to an abduction, but is that really what happened? As the story unfolds we come to realise that first impressions can be dangerously misleading.

The Sleuths of Last Resort Book 2 will be out just in time for Christmas, and I'll have title and cover reveals in upcoming newsletters.

But first, catch up with the story!

For the next seven days, I'd like to offer those of you who haven't yet met these motley mystery lovers to catch up with the plot. I've discounted the eBook to just 99c at all good eBook providers. Or just go to Amazon now. But get in quick.

Sale ends November 4.

For more on the book, click here. Sure, it's not high-end literature, but that's what makes it so enjoyable, with or without the nicotine!

* Apologies to both Forrest Gump and Mr Robotham for any misinterpretations 😉