The first ship I ever fell in love with was the Oriana, back in the early 1970s. I was just a little girl, it was my first sea voyage, and my family was travelling between Papua New Guinea and Australia. So it was a relatively short trip but, boy, it left its mark.
I’ve been in love with cruising ever since.
And it’s not just about the ship, although I do love a glittering atrium, a sparkling Lido deck, and a small but oh so cosy cabin. The truth is, I’m just as happy in a leaky dinghy as I am on a luxury vessel like the Queen Elizabeth, pictured below. I jumped aboard last year, pre-Corona, for my Dad’s 80th birthday, and what better place to celebrate?
I just love being on the water! I love the rich, salty smell and rhythm of the sea, the slapping of the waves against the bow and, most of all, the anticipation and mystery of all that lovely open ocean ahead.
It’s no wonder, then, that I set one of my murder mysteries on a cruise ship, this one an imagined replica of a real ship that once sailed the Antipodes—the SS Orient, which I wrote about in a previous blog.
As you all know, cruise ships have taken a battering during this time of the Corona virus, and it breaks my heart, if only for the beautiful, hard-working crew, and for those of you who never got a chance to don your best nautical gear and set sail.
But take heart, I’m sure cruising will be back. I don’t think it’s such a bad thing if there’s a few less of them, though. Massive ships are not exactly great for the environment and we have to consider the next generation. But I do want my kids to experience cruising as I did, just more sustainably, and minus deadly diseases while they’re at it!
Until then, here’s an exciting voyage you can take from the comfort of your own self-isolation, and it’s virus free! Of course that’s not to say there’s not other dangers lurking somewhere on the ship…

In this refreshingly modern take on the classic whodunit, the AGATHA CHRISTIE BOOK CLUB set sail on replica steamship the SS Orient and quickly encounter eerie echoes of another murderous voyage—a menacing note, a passenger dead in bed, and more clues than you can poke a blood-soaked dagger at.
With no CCTV, a shipful of slippery passengers, and enough red herrings to fill a seafood platter, the amateur sleuths decide to abandon their shuffleboard and solve the crime before they hit land and the professionals boot them off.
Jump aboard for the second gripping adventure of the beloved book club friends, who include devoted sisters, a dashing doctor, a flighty librarian and two vintage fashion queens. This time there’s a new member lurking in the wings, a brusque barman with a bad attitude and a secret that will change absolutely everything.
With a dash of romance, a splash of adventure and plenty of good humour, this is a fun, fast-paced cozy adventure for those who like unexpected plot twists, endearing ensemble characters and a gripping final denouement.
And happy (cruisy) reading everyone!
xo Christina