It’s been a big year for me on a personal level and while I only published one book in 2019—After the Ferry: A Gripping Psychological Novel—it is my all-time favourite story, so as a special Christmas gift, I’d like to offer a free copy to three of my devoted subscribers. Read on to see if your name is in the mix!
And THANK YOU for all your support in 2019. Due to longterm bushfires in my area I have had to delay the launch of Ghostwriter Book 7 which is now due for release in February 2020. Apologies for that and please look out for it then. Meanwhile, HAPPY HOLIDAYS everybody and may your Christmas trees be laden with good books (and may there be rain for those of us who need it)!

WHY THIS IS MY FAVOURITE BOOK! As some of you may know, I conjured the idea for this psychological thriller many decades ago, and have been itching to write it ever since. Back in the 1990s—pre-mobile phones—I really was a young Aussie backpacker travelling with a group of guys and girls making our way on a ferry to Santorini in Greece. During the long, sunburnt voyage, one of the guys in my group—a handsome American lacrosse player—fell head over heels for a woman from a different group. I think she was a Kiwi but I’m not 100% sure. In any case, he fell hard and literally jumped ship with her long before we got to our destination! He threw caution to the wind and deserted all of us for someone he had only just met. There were no mobile phones back then. No way to track each other down, and I often wondered how things turned out. WAS it true love and are they now living happily in New Zealand? Did he realise his mistake and get the next ship out? Or did something untoward happen? I certainly never saw him again and have wondered about him ever since. Hence the book. In my story, I upped the ante by turning the traveller into a naive young woman and her love interest into a dark, Greek stranger. Then I wrote two versions of what happened—a parallel story, with a startling murder thrown in. The result is my fictional suspense/thriller AFTER THE FERRY and, while it’s a lot more complex than my other books, it’s also richly rewarding and those who have made it to the end agree that it’s the best thing I’ve ever written. Which is why I’m handing out free copies for Christmas! CONGRATULATIONS… * Lesa Neace * Thomas Palmer * Joann Lord I’ll be in touch shortly to offer your free ebook. For everyone else, thanks again and Merry Christmas! xo Christina |