Mega Mystery Gift Basket, 50% off Ghostwriter eBooks, New Winning Subscriber
This week I’m offering the chance to win a brilliant gift basket with up to 20 eBOOKS + paperbacks, as well as discounted copies of five of my Ghostwriter Mysteries…
This week I’m offering the chance to win a brilliant gift basket with up to 20 eBOOKS + paperbacks, as well as discounted copies of five of my Ghostwriter Mysteries…
I’ve discounted my psychological thriller—99c eBooks and $14.95 paperbacks—and my new Book Club mystery is OUT. Hurruh!
I published one book this year and I’m giving free copies as gifts to devoted subscribers!
What a wild and wonderfully named bunch you are!
It happens every time. No sooner have I started telling the true story behind my latest mystery when the listener invariably rushes in with an extraordinary travel tale of their own.